Wednesday, October 15, 2008

October 15, 2008


So here we are again (for the fourth time this year) back on Sean's farm. Like I said in my last blog, we are getting to see more of family and friends during this stage in our life than at any previous time. Of course, that also means that we are seeing less of our family and friends in California while we are out of the state. But hang in there everyone in California, we expect to be back into the state within the next month or two.

For the first five days that we were here in Fargo, it rained and rained and rained. Today and yesterday have been sunny, but cold and windy. It is expected to get below freezing tonight.

On Friday, we will head up to Grand Forks for my 40-year law school class reunion. After that, we plan to head back to Bismarck to have the stitches removed from my right eye. Had no problem with the cataract surgery on my left eye, but the right one gave the doctor some problems (mainly because I put super glue in it on last year's trip -- for those of you who remember that incident). As a result, my left eye is still blurry, but I have been assured by the technician at the doctor's office that my eye will clear up after the stitches are out. I certainly hope so.

What a ride we are having with the economy! The thing is, nearly everyone under 80 years old has never lived through a real depression. I'm not saying that we are in a depression right now, but we are certainly in the most serious financial crises that most of us have ever experienced before in our life times. Somehow, I have the feeling that, once the election over, the United States at least may have some idea where this country is going. And that may change things -- either for the good or not. It will solidify something at a very minimum in this uneasy
environment, even if it may take some time to put things into action. We are looking forward to hearing the last debate between Obama and McCain tonight. Then, this weekend, we are going to vote absentee. We just received our ballots yesterday with our mail that Pat sent to us.

On a more enjoyable topic, we were able to spend last weekend with our granddaughter, Angela. What a cutie (even if we have to brag about that). She is happy, self assured and very inquisitive -- and a joy to spend time with.

Both Jerry and I have been called to Jury Duty in San Luis Obispo. Luckily, they allow a one-time 6 month postponement. We are now scheduled to go in February 2009.

Jerry has been working on his book while we have this downtime in Fargo. He just completed his second draft. Keeps him out of trouble.

Until next time -- live the life you love. You only have this one to live right now. We miss everyone.

Jerry and Mary